Penetration testing, or pen testing, is a common strategy assessors use to investigate and remediate data system vulnerabilities. Our testers simulate attacks using the same tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) exploited by real-world cyber attackers. With regular pen testing, an organisation can identify and address weaknesses in their networks or applications before an attack takes place and significantly reduce their cyber risk.
Kroll’s Cyber Risk team has the knowledge and experience needed to handle the most complex, large-scale pen testing engagements. Our testing services have been utilised by some of the world’s largest companies in a wide range of industries, from media and entertainment to critical infrastructure.
At the same time, our sophisticated approach – which includes an in-house team of experts providing the necessary structure and management background – can be scaled and adapted to meet the unique needs of any organisation.
The insights gained from responding to thousands of cyber incidents every year give us a unique pen testing advantage, feeding our certified cyber experts the necessary information to ensure our tests address the most up-to-date methods used by attackers in the real world.
Stop cyberattacks. Kroll’s managed detection and response services are powered by an elite team of seasoned cyber risk experts and frontline threat intelligence to deliver unrivaled response.
Today, you learn your company is experiencing a serious cyber incident. It could be a ransomware attack, a hacked O365 email account, the theft of PII or PHI, data exposure from misconfigured network settings. What is the first step you should take?
Kroll’s field-proven incident response tabletop exercises provide a customised test of every aspect of an organisation’s cyber response plan.
Manage risk, not spreadsheets. Identify and address cyber threats in third-party relationships to ensure compliance with regulations such as NYDFS, FARS, GDPR, etc.
Kroll’s cyber audits and reviews ensure third parties handle sensitive data according to regulatory guidelines and industry standards.
Safely perform attacks on your production environment to test your security technology and processes.