Mon, Aug 29, 2022

Case Study: Next-Generation Due Diligence

The Issue

A multinational chemical company client contemplating the acquisition of an industrial maintenance company with operations in North America and EMEA wanted to understand both the target company’s culture regarding compliance with environmental regulations and management’s overall reputation for operating with integrity. Extensive public domain and social media research of the company in the initial phase of the investigation identified some minor regulatory violations, but no significant adverse issues.

Kroll Solution

Kroll dug a bit deeper, identifying, locating and confidentially interviewing more than a dozen former employees of the maintenance company, several of whom produced detailed accounts of how managers at one facility allegedly violated hazardous waste disposal regulations and falsified state and local inspector records to cover up their illegal activities. The client was subsequently able to leverage this information in its negotiations with the target company.

For more information, contact our Forensic Investigations and Intelligence team.

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